jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Post 01_A country I would like to visit

A country I would like to visit is Australia, because I think it is an interesting country to know.
About Australia I know that it's the largest country in Oceania and the world's sith-largest country by total area. Besides, It haves a diversity of landscapes to know like tropical rainforest in the north-east, mountain ranges in the south-east, and desert in the centre. 
In this country, I would like to visit its interesting buildings like the Sydney Opera House and trip in a forest to know more about its biodiversity. Australian's forests contains a lot of evergreen species like the eucalyptus and animals like kangaroo, koala and wombat.
I would like to study a master's degree in the University of South Wales and live there by a prolonged time because I think that it is one of the country with the best quality of life and oportunities to getting on so well in my field. Besides, I have a friiend living in Sydney that I want to visit so much.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019


Hi everyone!
I'm Danilo Miranda, and I'm 21 years old. I'm an architecture student from FAU and I'm in my 8th semester.
I think that my weaknesses in English  is to listen to, it has always been difficult to me to get all that the other is talking to me and to understand all. My strengths are writing and speaking, I like to practice this last one with my friends or my mom so much.
My expectations for this class is to learn and improve my listening and I'd like to practice my speaking with my partners. I think that we can have so much fun!